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        The Macintosh 128K, released initially as simply the "Apple Macintosh" (without the 128k designation), is the original Apple Macintosh personal computer. Its beige case contained a 9 in (23 cm) monitor and came with a keyboard and mouse. A handle built in
        The Macintosh 512K Personal Computer is the second of a long line of Apple Macintosh computers, and was the first update to the original Macintosh 128K. It was virtually identical to the previous Mac, differing primarily in the amount of built-in memory (
    Introduced in September of 1984, The Mac 512K was a Mac 128K with 384 kB more RAM. It sold for $3,195, and was replaced in April 1986 by the 512Ke. Thanks to Eric Rasmussen For OS info. Picture Credits: Old Computers site Recent Changes FAQ ......
    Do you want to add a fan, learn how to use a single floppy drive Mac, or get more historical information on the Macintosh 512K? Follow me to the fifth newsletter from The ... Above is a Macintosh 512K on a HD 20. The HD20 works with any Macintosh from the...
    Archived - Macintosh 512K: Technical Specifications This article has been archived and is no longer updated by Apple. Macintosh 512K Logic Board Ports Power Processor: 68000, 8 PMMU: none FPU: none Data Path: 16, 8 L1 Cache: none L2 Cache: none ......
    This page describes Vectronic's Macintosh 512K. ... The Macintosh 512K was the first "Power" Macintosh. Introduced in September 1984 as a second system in the Macintosh line, the 512K soon replaced the original Macintosh....
    Introduced to replace the Mac 128K in September 1984, the 512K had four times the RAM of the original Mac. This made it possible to work with larger files, more powerful software, and have more files open (running more than one application was still in th...
    Fellow Mac 512K owner Bob Bacus adds: This computer is the second produced in the Macintosh line. It addresses the complaints of those who bought the original Mac that it didn't have enough memory (it had 128k). This model has 512k, and mine in particular...
    Apple introduced the Macintosh 512Ke ("e" for enhanced) on April 14, 1986, a few months after the introduction of the Macintosh Plus. Apple positioned the 512Ke as the lowest cost computer in its Macintosh line. It replaced the Macintosh 512K, which was ....